In Loving Memory of Bear Burton
My dear Shetland Sheepdog, Bear, passed away today. She was old. I named her Bear back when I thought I was going to go to Baylor. I won't rehash all of the fun times Bear and I had together, riding the four-wheeler through the pasture and playing fetch in the front yard. But I will tell you one final story about dear old Bear. (as told by my father, as Bear is still at home in Texas)I'll try to be as tactful as possible.
So we knew Bear's time was coming. She hasn't been able to eat for a few days. But last week, a ... stranger .... visited Bear, another male dog, and well.... there was a .... rendezvous. So my dad's telling me this, and he says, matter of factly
"so at least she went out with a bang."
Aww RB I'm sorry! :-(
I had no idea Bear died. I'm so sad.
Can't wait to see you on Thanksgiving.
Love the blog - very creative and full of personality.
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